HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities, Je? unaitaji kusoma kozi zenye soko na uhitaji kwenye vyuo mbalimbali apa tanzania ukiwa umesoma masomo ya sayansi ya jamii (Arts Subjects) kama HGE. Leo nitakujuza baadhi ya kozi ambazo unaweza soma ukiwa tu umesoma masomo ya Art kwa shule za sekondari.

Achana na maneno yaupotoshaji yanayo katisha tamaa kwa wanafunzi wa masomo ya Art, wengi husema masomo haya ayana soko kabisa kwenye ajira. Nawengine wansema mara zote ukisoma masomo ya Art utauishia kuwa mwalimu tu. Nikuondohe hofu wewe mwanafunzi unae jiandaa kusoma masomo ya Vyuo Vikuu hali yakuwa umechukua masomo ya Art sekondari.

Michanganyiko hii ya somo hutoa msingi thabiti katika historia, jiografia, lugha na uchumi, ambayo inaweza kusababisha njia mbalimbali za kazi katika nyanja kama vile mahusiano ya kimataifa, diplomasia, tafsiri na ukalimani wa lugha, mifumo ya taarifa za kijiografia (GIS), mipango miji, anga ya vyombo vya habari. usimamizi, uchumi na maendeleo ya kimataifa. Wanafunzi walio na michanganyiko hii ya masomo wanaweza kujikuta wamejitayarisha vyema kwa masomo zaidi katika sayansi ya jamii, ubinadamu, au nyanja zinazohusiana katika ngazi ya chuo kikuu.

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities, Two principal passes in the following subjects: History, Geography, Kiswahili, English or French.

Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and History
Bachelor of Arts in Heritage Management
Bachelor of Arts with Education
Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Ethics
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design
Bachelor of Arts in History Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Diplomatic and Military History
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising
Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
Bachelor of Education in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Law Enforcement
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts with Education
Bachelor of Education in Arts
Bachelor of Education in Arts

HGE Courses in Tanzania Universities, Diploma in Political Science, Public Administration, Public Sector Management, Social Work, Sociology, Rural Development, Human Resources Management/Administration, Law, Gender, Community Development, Education, Child Rights Protection, Development Planning, Industrial Relations, Local Government Administration and Management or International Relations with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0.

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