NECTA Grading System In Tanzania 2024: Primary, O-level, Advanced Level

NECTA Grading System

NECTA Grading System In Tanzania 2024: Primary, O-level, Advanced Level – The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is a government agency responsible for conducting and administering national examinations at different levels of education in Tanzania. NECTA plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and standardization of educational assessment across the country.

One of NECTA’s main tasks is to develop and implement a standardized classification system for the examinations it administers. This grading system provides a uniform and objective way to evaluate the academic performance of students, regardless of their geographic location or educational institution.

The NECTA grading system typically includes several levels of grades, such as A, B, C, D, and F, with each grade representing a different level of achievement. These grades are based on the grades students obtain on their examinations and serve as indicators of students’ mastery in the subjects being assessed.

Understanding the NECTA grading system is important for various stakeholders in the education sector. For students, it provides a clear assessment of their academic strengths and areas for improvement. Teachers can use the grading system to identify trends in student performance and adapt their teaching methods accordingly.

NECTA Grading System In Tanzania 2024: Primary, O-level, Advanced Level, Policymakers rely on the rating system to evaluate the effectiveness of educational policies and initiatives. Parents also benefit from understanding the grading system, as it helps them track their children’s progress and make informed decisions about their education.

NECTA Grading System In Tanzania 2024: Primary, O-level, Advanced Level


Grade Scale US Grade
A 1.00 A+
B 2.00 A
C 3.00 B+
D 4.00 B
E 5.00 C
S 6.00 D
F 7.00 F


Grade Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade
A 4.00 80.00 – 100.00 Excellent A
B 3.00 65.00 – 79.00 Good B
C 2.00 50.00 – 64.00 Pass C
D 1.00 40.00 – 49.00 Poor D
F 0.00 0.00 – 39.00 Failure F

NECTA Grading System In Tanzania 2024: Primary, O-level, Advanced Level


Grade Scale US Grade
A 5.00 A
B+ 4.50 – 4.99 B+
B 4.00 – 4.49 B
C+ 3.50 – 3.99 C+
C 3.00 – 3.49 C
D 2.00 – 2.99 D
E 1.00 – 1.99 F
S 0.50 – 0.99 F
F 0.00 F

National Technical Awards

Levels 4, 5, 6

Grade US Grade
B+ A-
B B+

Most Common

Scale Scale 2 Grade Description Division US Grade
70.00 – 100.00 5.00 First Class Honours A
60.00 – 69.00 4.00 Second Class Honours Upper Division AB
50.00 – 59.00 3.00 Second Class Honours Lower Division B
40.00 – 49.00 2.00 Pass C
35.00 – 39.00 1.00 Minimum Pass D
0.00 – 34.00 0.00 Fail F

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Scale US Grade
6.00 – 7.00 A
5.00 – 5.99 B
4.00 – 4.99 C
3.00 – 3.99 D
1.00 – 2.99 F
0.00 – 0.99 F

Certificate of Secondary Education

Grade Grade Description US Grade
A Excellent A
B Very Good B+
C Good B
D Satisfactory C
F Poor F

In summary, the NECTA grading system is a vital tool that provides valuable information about students’ academic achievements and the overall quality of education in Tanzania. Its unified approach ensures fairness and consistency in evaluating student performance, which contributes to the continuous improvement of the educational system.

In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the NECTA grading system, exploring its components, criteria and importance in the educational landscape in Tanzania. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of this grading system, stakeholders can effectively interpret exam results, identify areas for improvement, and support students in their academic endeavors.

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